Principal Investigator
Jackie Schiller, PhD

Lab Manager
Irina Reiter

Maisan Abboud
MD/PhD student with a research emphasis on motor learning, primarily studying the morphology of single neurons and the inputs to their dendritic arborizations.

Mohammad Kurtam
MD/PhD student focusing on the in-depth study of motor cortex activity in Parkinson's disease, with a goal to advance our understanding of its pathological mechanisms and potential therapeutic approaches.

Sivan Schwartz
PhD student, deep learning enthusiast, currently exploring Autism Spectrum Disorder through the use of state-of-the-art neural networks.

Shay Achvat
MD/PhD student researching the role of dendritic computation in motor learning.

Pnina Rappel
PhD researcher with a keen interest in understanding the structure and function of cell-specific pathways within the cortical-basal ganglia circuit.

Shani Gafniel
MD/PhD student specializing in the field of motor learning, emphasizing dendritic activity across various learning stages, and further exploring motor differences within the cntnap2 autism model.

Sivan Geva
MD/PhD student with a BSc in Biomedical Engineering, expressing a keen interest in motor learning in the secondary motor cortex.

Pratibha Ahirwal
PhD student focusing on understanding the neural mechanisms underlying motor control, with a particular emphasis on the integrative properties of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the primary motor cortex.

Amir Ghanayim
MD/PhD student with a strong interest in the correlation between motor learning and the reward system.

Yara Otor
MD/PhD student interested in studying the dynamics of the cortical network during goal directed behavior, specifically dendritic computations and structure, and its role in motor learning and behavior.

Amir Msheal
MD/PhD student interested in deciphering the neural dynamics of seizure initiation in acute and chronic models of temporal lobe epilepsy in vivo.

Sally Dabdoob
Research assistant contributing in various areas including surgical procedures, animal training, and histology.

Shahar Levy (MD/PhD 2023) Rotating internship at Soroka Medical center.
Zohar Lotan (MD/PhD 2023) Rotating internship at Rambam Medical center.
Fadi Aeed (MD/PhD 2023) Resident in neurology Rambam Medical center.
Amit Kumar (PhD 2022) is now a postdoc at Neuroscience Center Charite, Germany.
Mohammad Sohaib (MSc 2022).
Dagan Raviv (MSc 2022) Software Developer at BEYEONICS.
Bat-Elle Dori (MSC 2021).
Nate Cermak (postdoc 2017–2019) is now a Biological Engineer at Neuralink.
Hadas Benisty (postdoc 2015–2018) is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the Technion.
Mohamed Khateb (PhD 2018) is now a staff neurologist in the Neurology Departments at Rambam Medical Center, Israel.
Uri Dubin (PhD 2018) is now CEO and Co-founder of RobotAI.
Lavzin Maria (PhD 2018) is now a Resident in Forensic Pathology, National Institute for Forensic Medicine, Israel.
Inbar Pachter (PhD 2016) is now a resident in Ophtalmology, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Israel.
Maya Sandler (PhD 2016) is now a data analyst at Slalom Company and the founder of PreSetGO.
Oded Schiff (MSc 2015) Software Developer at Elbit Systems.
Liora Garion (PhD 2012) Staff scientist Physics Technion.
Sophia Rapoport (PhD 2012).
Yoav Rubin (MSc 2010) Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft.
Alon Poleg-Polsky (PhD 2010) is now an assistant professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA.
Gal Ariav (PhD 2012) works in biotech.
Urit Gordon (MSc 2007) is now Algorithm Lead at Healium Medical.